Counterparty Update, Oct 03: New counterparty-lib & Counterparty Mobile versions

October 3, 2015

We’re happy to announce the release of the new counterparty-lib version, v9.51.4 which is an incremental upgrade with bug fixes and major performance enhancements. The new version adds a feature for ‘transaction chaining’ and addresses the availability issues with counterparty-server during Bitcoin ‘stress tests’.

We have an additional update in testing which will remove the requirement for a full reparse during network reorganizations. We’ll keep you posted on all progress.

In other news from the past two weeks, the IndieSquare team have released new versions of iOS and Android Counterparty wallets with rebranding, UI improvements, more extensive use of fiat values and other bug fixes and improvements. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the IndieSqare team for all their hard work on the mobile wallets and Counterparty ecosystem in general. For more information on IndieSqare and the Counterparty wallets please visit (the link can also be found in our /docs section).

Finally, the Counterparty Foundation community director Robert Ross held an interview with Counterparty co-founder Robby Dermody this week. The talk should be released by the end of the week so make sure you follow our social media channels and forums for a link to the show.

That concludes our update for this week. If you have any questions you can contact us via our gitter, forum or github.

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