For the last couple of months our support team has been working hard on writing new documentation, publishing knowledge-base articles and addressing various issues reported in our support system. At the same time, our new and improved forum has grown and become the central place for the Counterparty community to share their thoughts or ask for help. After realizing that most of the tickets submitted via Counterwallet or have already been asked and addressed/resolved publicly on the forum, we decided to make the main and official Counterparty support system.
Transferring Support to the Public Forum
Instead of having a closed support system and addressing common issues privately, we will be providing support openly on the forum so that all community members can jump in and share their knowledge, or find a solution to their problem (in case it was already addressed).
There will be a two-week transition period during which we will keep open for public and reply to all tickets as usual, while also promoting the use of the forum as the new support system. Two weeks from now, once all the documentation from has been transfered to and everyone in the community notified on the changes, we will shut down and focus on the forum to provide quality and timely support.
Besides answering questions and resolving issues publicly, we will also be providing private support through the use of Private Messages on the forum.
Below are short instructions for each type of support:
Public Support on
- Go to
- Use the Search bar to see if the same/similar issue has already been addressed or if there is a knowledge-base article explaining the solution in more detail
- If there is already an open topic with the same/similar issue, post your question/comment there (or use the solution provided)
- If you are not able to find a similar topic already created, go to and click on New Topic
- Select the appropriate subcategory (Counterwallet, Server or GUI) and type in your message
Private Support on
In case you have a question for support that you do not want to ask publicly, or simply want your problem to be addressed privately, you can send a private message to the ‘Support’ group. This message will only be visible to the members of the Counterparty support team.
To send a private message to support:
- Go to Messages and click on New Message.
- In the ‘Add User’ field type ‘Support’ (you should see the names of the group members).
- Enter your message and click Send.
- As soon as a reply is posted by one of the support members you will get an email notification (please add to your email contact list).
Detailed instructions on how to use the new support system can be found in the announcement thread:
New version of counterparty-lib
This week we released a new version of counterparty-lib v.9.51.3. This is a non-mandatory, incremental update containing some bug fixes.
Release notes for the new version can be found on:
That concludes our update for this week. If you have any questions you can contact us via gitter, forum or github.
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